Algolia Instantsearch allows us to build a UI that gives our users several options to filter our data.
We need to build the UI in Webflow and give the relevant HTML elements an id. In our Algolia set up script (see code below or index.js
file), we declare the id for the widget and that adds it to the page. Some widgets require additional configuration in your index.
Every Algolia widget accepts optional parameters to add extra functionality. For example, the hitsPerPage widget below shows the extra parameters it accepts.
Every Algolia widget has a cssClasses
property which allows you to write your own css and attach it to the widget.
We can automate data into Webflow by building backwards from Algolia. This workflow will automatically add data to Webflow and trigger the webhook to add data to our search index. The diagram below shows the flow of data once all pieces are in place.
Create Algolia index, get application ID, and both API keys (admin and search-only).
Create and add the collection_item_created
webhook to Webflow with your endpoint. The endpoint should include code to make an api call to Algolia to add each item. See the webhook examples repo.
Note: We can also upload a JSON or CSV file to add data into Algolia. However, CSV files do not have an easy way to work with the required javascript array format for faceting in Algolia. This will impact how facets are created in Algolia. Use the API to add data to get around this.
Add Algolia scripts and build the UI in Webflow.
Run the node js script. See the populate data into Webflow cms example repo.
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// establish connection to search index with application ID and public api key from algolia
const searchClient = algoliasearch(
const search = instantsearch({
indexName: "movies",
// add each widget
// Clear Filters button
container: "#clear-refinements",
templates: {
resetLabel({ hasRefinements }, { html }) {
return html`<span
>${hasRefinements ? "Clear Filters" : "No Filters"}</span
cssClasses: {
root: "wf-clear-refinement-root",
button: "wf-clear-refinement-button",
disabledButton: "wf-clear-refinement-disabled",
// Results per page dropdown
container: "#hitsPerPage",
items: [
{ label: "24 results", value: 24, default: true },
{ label: "36 results", value: 36 },
{ label: "48 results", value: 48 },
{ label: "72 results", value: 72 },
{ label: "96 results", value: 96 },
// Genre component
container: "#genre-list",
attribute: "genres",
cssClasses: {
checkbox: "wf-refinmentlist-checkbox",
count: "wf-refinmentlist-count",
// Rating component
container: "#vote-average",
attribute: "voteAverage",
cssClasses: {
item: "wf-rating-item",
selectedItem: "wf-rating-selected-item",
disabledItem: "wf-rating-disabled-item",
starIcon: "wf-rating-star-icon",
fullStarIcon: "wf-rating-fullstar-icon",
emptyStarIcon: "wf-rating-empty-star-icon",
count: "wf-rating-count",
// Year component (Range slider)
container: "#release-year",
attribute: "releaseYear",
// Votes component (Range slider)
container: "#vote-count",
attribute: "voteCount",
// Search component
container: document.querySelector("#searchbox"),
cssClasses: {
root: "wf-search-root",
input: "wf-search-input",
form: "wf-search-form",
resetIcon: "wf-search-reset",
// Powered by algolia logo component
container: "#poweredBy",
cssClasses: {
root: "wf-powered-by",
// Stats component
container: "#stats",
templates: {
text: `
No relevant results
1 relevant result
relevant results
sorted out of
No results
1 result
found in ms
// Current filters component
container: "#current-filters",
cssClasses: {
list: "wf-current-refinement-list",
label: "wf-label",
item: "wf-current-refinement-item",
category: "wf-current-refinement-category",
delete: "wf-current-refinement-delete",
// Hits component
container: document.querySelector("#hits"),
cssClasses: {
root: "wf-hits",
list: "wf-hits-list",
item: "wf-hit-item",
emptyRoot: "wf-hit-empty",
templates: {
item: `
<div class="hit-wrap">
<a href="/movies/">
<img class="hit-image" src="" align="left" alt="" />
<span class="hit-vote-average"></span>
// Pagination component
container: "#pagination",
cssClasses: {
root: "wf-pagination-root",
list: "wf-pagination-list",
selectedItem: "wf-pagination-selected-item",
disabledItem: "wf-pagination-disabled",
link: "wf-pagination-link",
// hide loader in Webflow after initiating algolia
const loader = document.getElementById("loader"); = "0";
setTimeout(() => { = "none";
}, 2000);